one of our most beloved and best friends got imprissoned (custody), due to being a leftwing activist.
the state's reaction and accusations against our friend (and two other people) are definitely highly exaggerated as well as over-interpreted.
it is a typical example of how evil (new) laws can be construed and used especially against people who are trying with clumsy and desperate actions to fight for human rights and fairness and stand up against repression.
still , our dear friend will have to stay imprissoned on remand until the end of august 2010. a timeperiod without any earnings and there is the urgent need to pay a lawyer, the monthly rent, for making a living inside prison, etc.

prison = expensive

for anyone who wants to help our friend ,
please use the following bank account set up by a left-wing organisation:

from outside of austria :

IBAN: AT872011128257989807

inside austria :

Kontonummer : 282-579-898-07
Bankleitzahl: 20111
Lautend auf: Die Grünen-grün alternative Wien
Verwendungszweck: Antirep2010